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Davis Junction , IL - Furnace & Air Conditioning Service, Repair & Maintenance Contractor

Wilburn Heating & Air Co is proud to serve the Davis Junction community!

We are proud to be part of this community, serving your heating and air conditioning needs. Whether you need repair, replacement or a new installation of a furnace, air conditioner, heat pump or air filtration system, we get the job right the first time. Our certified technicians service all furnace and air conditioning make and models.

Please call us today at (815) 218-5933 to consult with our home comfort specialist.

About Davis Junction , IL - Happy to be your hometown Heating & Air Conditioning Contractor!

Davis Junction is a rural community in Ogle County, Illinois with a population of about 2,000. Named for Jeremiah Davis, it is located where the Illinois Railway Rockford Line and the Canadian Pacific Chicago Subdivision intersect, which is where “junction” came from. It is a small and lovely community where kids are biking and playing in their yards in the spring and summer, jumping in leaf piles come autumn and building snowmen when winter rolls in.

When the weather is nice, the area’s parks and the community parks all over the region are bustling and alive. Rockford Park District, for example, and operates Aldeen Golf Course – once rated the best municipal golf course in Illinois by Golf Digest as well as one of the top fifty golf courses in the nation that cost under $50 to play by Golf Magazine – which is a great source of pride for the community parks and rec department. They also operate 5 museums for those cooler winter afternoons, including: Tinker Swiss Cottage, Burpee Museum of Natural History (home to the world's most whole juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex!) and The Discovery Center Museum for children which features children's museum 250 hands-on exhibits and was listed on the 12 Best Children's Museums In The U.S. By Forbes Magazine. The eastern river walk features Nicholas Conservatory and Garden - the third-largest in the state.

If you find yourself in this area on one of its splendid spring days when the breezes are just gently swaying the immense trees, you need to get outside as much as you can. If you are looking for an amazing family stroll then you should consider checking out another nearby town - Belvidere, which is known as the "City of Murals.” This is because it is widely recognized for its numerous murals which have been encouraged, funded and maintained by the town’s devoted historical commission and residents as well as volunteers. For over a decade, the town has been collecting its own collection of beautiful works of art all over its architecture and buildings. It records the town’s history, the area’s culture, and the community’s hopes. A point of pride for the city, the murals range from realistic and historic to immensely imaginative and modern pieces. The murals are a vital piece of the area’s culture. The historical importance for the residents of this town cannot be overstated. 6,000 square feet and ten murals were built in the downtown business district in 3 days in 1997 and since then 350 artists have contributed their own special touch to this town’s history… and its future.